Introduction and Importance of Recall Training

As a dachshund owner, one of the most important skills you can teach your puppy is recall, or coming when called. Not only is this important for their safety, but it also helps strengthen your bond and relationship with your furry friend.

Recall training involves teaching your dachshund puppy to respond to a specific command, such as “come” or “here,” and come running back to you immediately, no matter where they are or what they’re doing. This skill can be a lifesaver in emergency situations or simply provide peace of mind when you’re out in public or at the dog park.

Effective recall training involves positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience. It’s important to start early and work on the skill gradually, in low-distraction environments before progressing to more challenging scenarios.

In this article, we’ll discuss tips and techniques for effective recall training with your dachshund puppy, as well as how to maintain and improve their skills over time. By the end, you’ll be well on your way to mastering recall and enjoying a stronger bond with your furry companion.

Tips and Techniques for Effective Recall Training

Now that you understand the importance of recall training, let’s dive into some tips and techniques for teaching your dachshund puppy to come when called.

  1. Start in a low-distraction environment: It’s important to start recall training in a quiet, low-distraction environment such as your backyard or living room. This helps your puppy focus on learning the command without getting distracted by other stimuli.
  2. Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is key to effective recall training. When your puppy comes to you, reward them with praise, treats, or their favorite toy. This reinforces the behavior and makes them more likely to come when called in the future.
  3. Use a long leash: A long leash allows you to practice recall training at a distance, while still keeping your puppy safe and under control. Start with a shorter leash and gradually increase the length as your puppy becomes more confident and obedient.
  4. Practice regularly: Regular practice is essential for effective recall training. Start with short, frequent sessions and gradually increase the length and difficulty over time. Be consistent with your commands and rewards, and make sure to practice in a variety of locations and situations.
  5. Increase the difficulty gradually: As your puppy becomes more confident and obedient, gradually increase the difficulty of your training scenarios. Practice recall with more distractions or in different environments, such as a busy park or crowded street. This helps your puppy learn to come when called no matter what’s going on around them.

Remember, effective recall training takes time and patience. Be consistent, use positive reinforcement, and practice regularly in a variety of situations. With time and practice, your dachshund puppy will become a pro at coming when called.

Maintaining and Improving Recall Skills


Congratulations, you’ve successfully taught your dachshund puppy to come when called! But the work doesn’t stop there. It’s important to continue practicing and maintaining their recall skills over time.

Here are some tips for maintaining and improving your puppy’s recall skills:

  1. Practice in different locations: Practice recall training in a variety of locations, such as the park, beach, or even your friend’s backyard. This helps your puppy generalize the behavior and learn to come when called in any environment.
  2. Increase distractions gradually: Once your puppy has mastered recall in low-distraction environments, gradually increase the distractions to challenge their skills. Start with minor distractions, such as a nearby person or a toy, and gradually increase to more challenging distractions, such as other dogs or loud noises.
  3. Add new commands: Once your puppy has mastered the basic recall command, consider adding new commands to expand their skills. For example, you could teach them to come to a specific whistle or hand signal.
  4. Keep training fun and positive: It’s important to keep recall training fun and positive for both you and your puppy. Use treats, toys, and praise as rewards, and keep training sessions short and enjoyable.

Remember, effective recall training is an ongoing process. Continue to practice regularly and add new challenges over time to maintain and improve your dachshund puppy’s recall skills. With patience and persistence, your furry friend will become a pro at coming when called, providing peace of mind and a stronger bond between you both.


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